Defeat EATS
In the News
Press Releases and Media Coverage
eDairy News | This Farm Bill is an Opportunity to Empower Family Farmers, Not Corporations
Feedstuffs | More lawmakers push to kill EATS Act
News Dakota | Group of House Republicans Against EATS Act
City & State Florida | The EATS Act and the Citrus Squeeze
Legal Reader | Independent Farmers and Ranchers Storm Capitol Hill in Opposition to EATS Assault on States’ Rights, Advocate to Reform USDA’s Scandal-Ridden Checkoff Programs
St. Joseph Post | State Attorneys General against the Eats Act
Southeast Iowa Union | Stop the EATS Act
Farm Progress | Pennsylvania producers concerned over EATS Act
American Ag Network | Governors Standing Firm on States’ Rights in the Farm Bill
Valley Times | Opinion: Oppose cruel, cynical EATS Act in Congress
Charlotte Observer | NC Farmer: If you eat local – or even just eat – this year’s Farm Bill is in trouble
Centre Daily Times | Letters: EATS Act takes away opportunities; Benefits in Inflation Reduction Act
Wisconsin State Journal | Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression Act tries to end local control
Successful Farming | Vocal opponents aim to defeat EATS Act
Observer-Reporter | LETTER: Animals deserve better than the EATS Act
Daily News-Record | New Coalition Forms In Opposition Of EATS Act