Defeat EATS
In the News
Press Releases and Media Coverage
Hartford Courant | Angela Li: The fight for a fair and equitable food system
VTDigger | Bob Galvin: Unholy alliance fights humane treatment of farm animals
Southeast AgNet | Large Pork Producers Don’t Favor Overturning Prop 12
The Oregonian | Readers respond: EATS Act threatens animals, people
MyRGV | COMMENTARY: Farmer makes plea to keep EATS Act out of Farm Bill
Food Safety News | A new study says EATS Act could do a lot of damage, including to food safety
KTIV | ‘Unintended consequences’ Harvard Law School says EATS Act could backfire on Iowa farmers
American Ag Network | Farm Groups Urge Congressional Opposition to the EATS Act
Townhall | Beware the Pork Perk for China in the 2023 Farm Bill
Kansas Reflector | Family farmer, animal rights groups stick a fork in U.S. Sen. Marshall’s EATS legislation